Matching campaign has tripled in size, raised more than $250k so far.
(DARTMOUTH, NS) November 29, 2021 -- A frugal man who grew his own food and spent every penny with care, has helped raise more than $250,000 over the past five years for The North Grove’s Family and Community Food Centre programs.
And his gift will continue to grow, as the organization prepares to launch its biggest campaign to date on November 30.
“My father worked every day of his life. He built a garden by the sea and grew hundreds of vegetables… He would understand the benefit of this place,” says his daughter, who started a matching campaign for The North Grove in 2016, with a small inheritance from her Dad.
“This anonymous gift, given with love in memory of a remarkable man, has inspired so many others to give from their hearts as well,” says Wendy Fraser, Executive Director of The North Grove. “Tomorrow we will launch a $30,000 matching campaign, our largest to date. It’s incredible to think of the impact of that first gift and what it’s made possible since then.”
“Dad would have loved to see this grow and even more to see what it’s achieved in our city.”
In the midst of the pandemic The North Grove moved its Family Centre and Community Food Centre together under one roof and from that shared location, over the past year it has:
Prepared and distributed 23,356 healthy take-out meals
Distributed 12,420 fresh produce packs
Grown and distributed almost 3,000 lbs of fresh produce on its Community Farm
Made 4,200 home visits and calls to parents
Reached out with 2,100 support calls from our Community Action Office
A gift that encourages others to give
This year’s We Stand Together Matching Campaign begins on November 30 and offers donors an opportunity to double the impact of their support to The North Grove.
Every dollar will be matched up to a total of $30,000. This year’s match was provided by our original anonymous donor, who has been joined by two other anonymous donors and Dartmouth's YellowStone Commercial.
The We Stand Together matching fund will support The North Grove’s pandemic recovery
“Community need has increased over the course of the pandemic and our costs have increased along with it,” said Fraser. “This matching campaign will encourage others to give and help us respond to what’s ahead for the families and individuals living in this community.”
If you would like to contribute to the We Stand Together Matching Campaign, and have your gift matched, click here to donate. Donations received before December 31st, 2021 will be matched up to a total of $30,000.